Best Practice is Not Best
What they don’t teach you at an MBA
The research shows that many management practices are not only ineffective but counterproductive. “Best practices” are often not backed by research or data. Why is this, what is it doing to us, and how can we change this?
Pilot: What is the Science of Human Thriving?
Understanding your unique neurology
We are wired to do great work, but our current environments are often not geared to bring out the best in us. But what if we could actually be energised by our work if we listened to our unique neural cues? In this episode, we talk about the state of work and the surprising results we saw when we applied the principles of human thriving at the workplace.
Lessons from Burnout
A story of discovery and recovery from burnout
Throw Out the Feedback Sandwich
When and how to course correct effectively
How to create and lead teams that are aligned with a meaningful mission.
What companies can learn from bees
How teams can be greater than the sum of their parts
Research and experience shows that the potential of the team is far greater than the sum of its parts. A Google study found that it was how a team worked together, rather than the qualities of the people in the team that determined its performance. Small tweaks to improve collective intelligence on your team can go a long way to building momentum towards achieving its goals.